Pre-Employment Health Self-declaration Form

July 27, 2017
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More employers are realising the advantages of using a pre-employment health self-declaration. To get a free sample form email Emma at emma@canavanbyrne .ie

Traditionally the domain of large employers, such as government departments they are now being used in small businesses such as early years settings where health & safety and infection control are paramount. An employee’s health can not only impact on themselves or their colleagues but also the children in their care.

The Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years services) Regulations 2016 required providers to have a robust Infection Control Policy which includes infection control relating to staff.
Pre-employment health declarations equip employers to manage any potential risks to the health and safety of their team and the children in their care.

It’s a complicated area of recruitment, where employers must comply with equality legislation so if you have a concern about a declaration it is important to get professional advice. Our HR team are always available to help. Contact 01 6235908.

Advantages of a Pre-Employment Health Declaration:

  • Cost effective way of identifying health problems that might affect the employee’s ability to give an effective and reliable service
  • Can significantly reduce Sickness Absence levels
  • Ensures the employer meets legal obligations contained within Equality legislation
  • Provides companies with a baseline health status of each employee at commencement of employment

CAUTION: Issuing a Warning to Employees!!New General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
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